Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Greatest Man I Know

Today was this wonderful man’s 40th birthday.

He is a very strong, smart, gentle, playful, loving individual and an amazing father to his 4 children. I should know I’m one of them.

I couldn’t ask for a better dad, because I don’t believe a better one exists. Maybe I’m a little bit biased, but my dad is pretty great. As I was growing up he taught my siblings and I right from wrong, the value of hard work and much much more.

As I look back I have countless memories with dad of hide n’ go seek in the dark, foot races down the street, tucking me into bed, costume parties, learning to ride a horse, camping trips, climbing excursions, building snow forts, playing various other odd games.....

and wrestling (we were always wrestling).

He’s always there to cuddle up next to the t.v. with after a bad day at school. Always ready with a hug and a smile to brighten your day. He gives the best advice (even though I don’t always take it) and is always ready to help me with anything I need. Whether it’s pushing me to get back on a horse after a stay in the hospital or to let me know “there’s more fish in the sea,” I know he’s always got my back.

Sometimes he even helps me fly.....

He’s full of weird and inappropriate comments and thinks he’s way funnier than he really is, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

His weird sense of humor and ability to make anything fun has rubbed off on me, I think it’s rubbed off on all us kids.


He's extremely ornery and mischievous always ready to play a prank or give us a hard time. You can always tell by the look in his eyes.

My dad is a wonderful example and he has taught me so much. He’s taught me how to work hard for what I want while having the mind set to enjoy work. He’s taught me how to have fun and be myself, how to bless the people around me, he even taught me how to dance. Most importantly though he taught me Gods’ Word. Whenever I had a hard day growing up, I remember coming home and dad reading God’s Word to me or praying with me. He did the same when I was sick or hurt and I always felt better afterwards. I couldn’t ask for a better dad, he’s the best there is. I’m thankful for everything he has done for me over the years and everything he has taught me. I am grateful to be able to continue to learn from him and for his willingness to teach me. 

  Happy Birthday Dad! Thanks for all you do, I love you so much!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jordan, I love you very, very much. You will always be my little Mousie. Oh by the way, this is Dad. Love ya.
